101: All About Magento 2 Upgrade


Do you know all about Magento 2 upgrade? In this article, we will share everything about the upgradation. When it comes to Magento upgrades, most store owners get confused as to what type of upgrade should they go for? Why should or shouldn’t they upgrade their store? What benefits will they get by upgrading? and many more such questions. In this article, you will get answers to all of these questions along with some Magento 2 upgrade tips that will save you time and money!

Magento 2 upgrades offer the best way to solve numerous technical issues with your store.

How Many Types of Magento 2 Upgrades Are Available?

As of now, the Magento 2 upgrade service offers two types of upgrade options: Releases and Patches. Let’s discuss both of these in detail.

1. Magento Releases

The Magento Releases come with a handful of security and bug fixes along with some additional features and improvements in the existing ones. Further, Releases also bring a lot of changes with each one of its releases. Usually, Magento changes the digits in the version number by one, for example, 2.3.4 to 2.3.5.

After making these upgrades, users might experience some incompatibility issues between their current theme, customizations, or extensions and the new version. These issues are generally more prevalent in situations when you upgrade in the wrong way. Magneto upgrades need to be done by experts, so if you’re not experienced enough, it’s better to hire a Magento 2 upgrade service.

The right Magento 2 upgrade service will help you solve all the incompatibility issues and will make your upgrade useful.

2. Magento Patches

Magento Patches are the upgrades that solve major issues. For example, if you are dealing with a dangerous bug or security threat, Patches might offer a great solution for you.

You can see Magneto Patches as a quick fix when you don’t have time to opt for a full upgrade but still need to protect your store from the issues we have just discussed. After having a patch, your version number is added with a suffix (e.g. 2.3.5-p2).

Patches are nowhere similar to full upgrades, they only change a few files without adding new features and improvements. For this reason, you don’t experience any type of incompatibility problems. Hence, you don’t really need to test the functionality of your store.

Applying patches is a quick and easy process. But still, not anyone can do it. To make your upgrade successful, you should always seek help from a skilled Magento developer or a Magento 2 upgrade service like Growisto, who can help you prevent any issues with your upgrades.

When Should You Go For A Full Upgrade of Magento 2?

Security patches are very important, they should be applied as soon as they’re released. Maintaining the security of your eCommerce store is the most crucial requirement. Otherwise, your store may end up becoming the target of fraudsters and hackers.

Nonetheless, understand that these technologies are evolving fast. So, with each new upgrade, you might face issues regarding your previous versions. This is the reason why upgrades should be done by a reliable Magento 2 upgrade service.

Moreover, if you are using a really old version of Magento, you may face difficulties in searching for the extensions that support this old version of yours.

So, the moral of the story is, the longer you wait to upgrade, the more difficult it will be to upgrade your store. For instance, upgrading from 2.4 to 2.5 is a lot easier than upgrading from 2.0 to 2.5!

So, be very quick while applying the patches and other releases. A good idea is to partner with a Magento 2 upgrade service ahead of time. They will keep you updated regarding the new upgrades and will apply them in an efficient way.

What If There Are No Upgrades Available?

Upgrading your Magento store can be a bit complicated if not done properly. It is an involved process that should be done very carefully. If there are no new upgrades, you can still build them but it will take a lot of time and money. If you have a reliable Magento 2 upgrade service by your side, then you can definitely think of this option. In fact, it is the best approach, especially when your store is dealing with multiple technical issues.

But if you don’t have a Magento 2 upgrade service, then apply patches. There is a detailed patch guide on the Magento Security Center, you can use it to enhance your knowledge.

Another good idea is to subscribe to the upgrade alerts using the Magento Security Scan Tool. This tool will alert you regarding the potential security vulnerabilities of your store.

Magneto is the most powerful eCommerce platform and it is evolving at an even faster rate. Various new features, improvements, functionalities, and fixes are introduced every now and then. So, to leverage the full capabilities of this advanced platform and to secure and improve your store, it is very important to keep up with the new upgrades. So, start searching for the best Magento 2 upgrade service near you and make your Magento store perform better.

You should also know the cost to upgrade to Magento 2. Hope you like this article, do share it with your friends for knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. Should you upgrade your existing Mangeto store to Magento 2?

You can find the complete answer to this question here about upgrading store to magento 2.

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