Social Media Harassment: An Overview


Harassment is a serious crime and not a thing to be taken lightly. Far too often the form harassment takes can have an outsized impact if it’s taken seriously. For example, social media harassment is often not taken as seriously as it should be based on the incorrect assumption that the internet is not real life. Make no mistake harassment is serious no matter its source and if you have been harassed via social media you should hire a lawyer for social media harassment as soon as possible. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common forms of social media harassment.

Five Common Types of Social Media Harassment

1. Concern Trolling:

this is a particular type of targeted harassment, and it takes the form of constructive criticism. While criticism is common and, when given honestly, can be quite useful, concern trolling is not this type of criticism. This type of internet troll masks their insults in the form of criticism claiming that they care about a person and are trying to help them improve in some way. This is not the case and any attempt at engagement simply results in further insults disguised as advice.

2. Cyberbullying:

one of the most common types of social media harassment is bullying. This is a broad term and can refer to an assortment of cruel behaviors such as insults, mockery, degrading words, and other forms of abuse. It can also take various formats, including text, videos, pictures, and other types of online communication. Some of the most common victims of cyberbullying are, sadly, children and teenagers.

3. Cyberstalking:

stalking is a serious crime and is considered a federal offense and this extends to stalking via the internet and social media. Social media stalking involves prolonged threats and harassment, including but not limited to the stalker claiming they will harm, terrorize, or murder their victim. Other aspects of cyberstalking can include the theft of personal information, the hacking of private accounts, and threats directed at a target’s friends, family, and significant others.

4. Mob Activity or Dog-Pilling:

another way people will seek to harass others is through the use of online mob activity. Often, these types of group harassment campaigns are focused on shaming a person based on an opinion or viewpoint the target has that those participating in the dog-piling disagree with. Often these viewpoints can be political and cover a wide range of viewpoints, but often they can be nonsensical or unimportant in the broader sense. What is important, however, is such targeted group harassment should not be tolerated.

5. Workplace Harassment:

a specific type of social media harassment is the type that originates with coworkers. The harassment that originates from coworkers often takes the form of the types of social media harassment noted above but is quite personalized and even more invasive as this person knows you in real life, and you may interact with them regularly. As with any other type of harassment, this is unacceptable and the fact they may not do it in person does not matter in terms of severity.

Final Thoughts

Social media can be a very beneficial way of interacting with the wider world and engaging with enjoyable hobbies and interests. But like any other widely accessible platform it has a potential for harassing and illegal activity. If you, your child, or a family member has been harassed on social media a lawyer may be able to help in seeking legal remedies for your situation.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.