How to Refine Your Amazon Product Photography?


It is common knowledge that Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer. Not only that, with over 300 million active users, it has a powerful influence on what we buy.

To stand out from a crowd this big, one must channel inner creativity to outsmart the competition. With the launch of enhanced branding, Amazon has opened many doors for the capable. So, suppose you are an entrepreneur looking to establish your brand. In that case, you need to ensure that your product photography stands out.

When capturing different angles of your product, a few things should be in mind. First, a proper environment with a white background, so no disturbance occurs. Next, for lightning, go for a natural source; it gives a realistic look and a better glare-to-visual ratio. After that, take a few demo shots and get started the way you desire.

Still, after clarification, many people get confused about the final results. They start thinking about where they went wrong and what the solution is. However, there is nothing wrong, and only a few tweaks are enough to get back on track. To enable such enthusiasts, here are simple ways to produce quality product photography. This will help you sort things out and convert your engagements into sales.

3 Simple Ways To Improve Engagements

As we all know, the competition on Amazon is strong. Every seller wants to be on the headline and remain there for eternity. Since the competition is cutthroat, that is not possible.

Still, there are many ways to strike the first position and gain the most sales. These tricks focus on a complete advertisement, but one thing needs the most attention. That is Product photography, where the magic happens. An image is the main attraction point, and it needs proper attention to develop master photos.

Although hiring a professional for this task is better, if you want to DIY, then there’s nothing stopping you. You only need to keep following things in mind to get better results.

1. According to Amazon

When going for product photography, you must have seen a list of instructions. In there, complete image requirements are also mentioned.

Amazon has put forward every detail about the size and quality of the images (several times). By following this, you ensure that there is no delay or cancellation from Amazon.

Although these requirements are a must, there are other necessary things to keep in mind.

  • Make sure that all the images are clear and focused. No one wants to hurt their eyes by concentrating on a blurry image.
  • Take several shots to limit the chances of errors or mishaps and go for the perfect one.
  • When doing DIY, you don’t have access to fancy tools and lenses. To counter this issue select a white background (wall or sheet). Get a proper table, and keep it near a good source of light. Although natural glare is perfect, you can try different options. After that, make necessary adjustments and select the satisfactory one.

In the end, review the whole image (as per the Amazon template) and make the necessary changes. This will give you satisfying results and advertisements that rank without restrictions.

2. Creative Variety

It is true that you have to do everything by the book, but there is no limit to creativity. You can try different methods to grab the attention of the audience. For instance, you can create a hero image with the necessary detailing(or none at all). Moreover, other angles and prospects can fit in supporting images.

Amazon allows several spaces, so it is better to seize the opportunity and use them all. Many different angles and lightning effects provide extra attraction while maintaining consistency. If you want, professional services are available to ensure the best results.

On Amazon, you never know what the customer wants to see. They may want to look at the ingredients or guidelines provided with it. For this purpose, different angles can save the day for you. It’s better to take everything on notice and leave no stone unturned.

3. Appropriate Customization

Image customization not only deals with size, shape, and color but also other aspects. These include the frame setting and extra relevant information.

The product in the frame should not collide with the borders. At the same time, too small an image will also not look good. Remember, you want to fill the whole frame(as much as you can).

Moreover, the image should also contain necessary information other than itself. For example: if it’s a master pack collection, show it.

Strong Advertisements Generate Better Leads

It is a known fact that attractive images and content turn heads. You need to optimize your advertisements so they can bring in a quality audience. Still, if you have trouble professional product photography service is available for help.

Amazon has enabled many enthusiasts to reach their desired traffic with proper skills. Product photography gives many options to enhance your engagements. The tools are; smart work with consistency and hard-earned skills. If you have what it takes to climb the Amazon mountain, this needs to be on your list.


Refining your product photography is a simple way to improve engagement on listings. They can give you a creative edge over rival products and engage customers. Doing so is hard, but many guides and tutorials are available to learn your way through. Always keep researching for any changes and keep improving with each passing day. This will help you increase your business two-fold and your sales on par.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.