Ebook Marketing 101: How to Use Ebooks to Build Authority Online


Ever heard the term Ebook Marketing 101? Let us walk you through step by step. Read the guide to building authority online.

Publishing an ebook is a great way to position yourself as an authority. It shows people your expertise but it also helps you share your ideas.

Ebooks are still popular with readers. 28 percent of US adults read both physical and digital books.

Yet a casual browse of any online store will show that there are a lot of available ebooks. How do you get yours to stand out?

This is where ebook marketing comes in. Read on to learn more.

Ebook Marketing 101 – Everything You Should Know

Write a Brilliant Book

This may seem like a strange suggestion for an article about book marketing. Yet the fact remains that a great book is still easier to sell than a bad one.

If you write a great book that helps people, they’ll recommend it to other people. That kind of word-of-mouth is an excellent form of organic marketing.

Get the right ebook length for your niche. Include your very best content. Give readers actionable steps to follow to see success.

Get a Great Cover

People really do judge a book by its cover. The cover is the thing that’s going to catch a reader’s eye while they’re browsing Amazon.

You can create book covers yourself but make sure you know what’s popular in your niche. Doing something outlandish or unexpected might make your book stand out. Yet it might also put off readers who like familiar imagery.

Build a Buzz Before You Publish

This step is essential if you want to see success with ebook promotion. If you contact your audience and say “I have a book out!” with no build-up, only your most diehard followers will buy it.

Plan when you want to launch your book. Start drip-feeding content to your audience. Share chapters and do a cover reveal.

Ask for their feedback. This will make them feel more involved with the book and more likely to buy it.

Use pre-orders so followers can order in advance. Help them feel excited about your book before you launch it.

Check Your Metadata

Your metadata is the information the online store needs to ‘shelve’ your ebook in the right place. Research the keywords you’ll need to enter. They may be similar to the keywords you use for your website.

Check which categories you’re going to use. Browse those categories on each online store to check if your book fits within them.

Consider putting your best keywords in the book’s subtitle. These factors help online stores serve up your book when customers search for related terms.

Line Up Reviewers

One thing you will definitely need is reviews. There are two types of reviews that you might find helpful.

The first is the regular, online store review. These are great because they’re written by readers. Other readers put a lot of emphasis on them.

To build these, ask your email list or audience if they’d be willing to review your book. All you need to do is offer them a free copy in advance.

Now, giving them a review copy is no guarantee that you’ll get a review. Yet it’s still a great way to have reviews on the page within a few days of the launch.

The second type of review is the short, 2-3 sentence recommendations from other people in your niche. These help to boost your authority and give your book credibility.

Contact people in your niche to ask for one. Start with the people you know who are more likely to say yes.

Improve Your Ebook Marketing With These Tips

This is a whistle-stop tour of ebook marketing. There are many more things you can do to ensure the success of your ebook.

Follow these steps as the basics you need to get right. With a great cover, enough buzz, and the right data, you can’t go wrong.

Check our marketing articles for more marketing tips and tricks. Hope you like the article on Ebook Marketing 101.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.