Cyber Security: Do’s and Don’ts


The COVID-19 pandemic completely changed our lives. Both our professional and personal lives were greatly impacted by this deadly virus. The global lockdowns confined us to our homes, schools, and colleges were forced to shift online, exams were conducted through apps like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and people started shopping online.

Moreover, streaming services were greatly used to watch shows and movies. Hence, in short, anyone with a reliable internet connection like the one provided by Grande Communications was in safe hands.

Not just schools and homes, but even offices and businesses were heavily impacted. Many businesses were put into a spiral because of the Covid-19 outbreak and global lockdowns, which drove them to move all of their operations online.

Many are still struggling with recurrent closures, new restrictions, and declining revenue two years later. Therefore, it is understandable why cybersecurity may have slipped down the priority list.

Yet since the start of this pandemic, cyberattacks have grown significantly. According to a recent poll, the number of cyberattacks has increased by 600 percent, with over 46% of worldwide organizations reporting at least one since the move to remote working.

To stay ahead of the rising tide of cyberattacks, it is crucial to leverage reliable cyber security services. By understanding the landscape of cyberattacks and implementing proactive cybersecurity measures, businesses can effectively protect their valuable assets and information. Since cyberattacks are increasing tremendously, let us give you a general overview of cyberattacks and cybersecurity.

The influence of cybersecurity on a business

Theft of private intellectual property, information as well as financial losses as a result of assets being accessed, costs for network infrastructure repairs, and post-attack cleanup are some of the obvious negative outcomes of a cyber-attack. However, other adverse effects might be sensed indirectly.

For instance, the GDPR requires that you notify the supervisory authority of any data breaches you may have had. This implies that any such occurrences cannot simply be ignored and that you may be subject to regulatory fines and penalties.

Additionally, a situation like this could seriously harm the reputation of the business. This could have a long-term effect on your business since, according to a recent survey, 59 percent of consumers are less willing to do business with organizations that have had a breach or assault.

The most typical forms of cyberattacks

Any criminal threat or activity that targets or makes use of a computer, mobile device, or network to obtain access to personal data or financial information is referred to as cybercrime. This kind of criminality has grown into a billion-dollar industry by itself and cyber security in Dubai is the only solution for it.

Phishing assaults are the most prevalent type that we encounter. For instance, an employee may get an email claiming to be from a manager asking for sensitive company data. Malware or ransomware attacks are another common type of assault. When an email with a malicious file or link is received, if it is clicked or downloaded, a program is dropped.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Use complex, difficult-to-guess passwords with at least 10 characters, a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. Better still, use a lengthy phrase with a combination of characters that you can easily recall. Likewise, keep your password private.
  • Where possible, use two-factor authentication.
  • Use separate passwords for several accounts. Update or change your passwords regularly.
  • When you no longer need information, always dispose of it properly.
  • Be on the lookout for social engineering assaults and do not let those who pose as service providers, business partners, etc. fool you into providing your information. If you are unsure of their sincerity, do not answer their calls or react to their emails.
  • When not in use, lock your phone or computer to prevent illegal access. When not in use, you can also turn off the gadget or unplug it from the internet.
  • Inform coworkers or employees about cyber security.
  • Any suspected cyber incidents should be reported to the manager or the security representative.
  • Install and maintain an antivirus application from a reputable provider.
  • Protect your data storage devices to prevent data loss or data harm.
  • Make sure all applications are updated often.
  • Make regular data backups.
  • Invest in cyber insurance.

Cybersecurity tips from us

1. Office 365 protection

A lot of people are now using Office 365 to provide email services along with collaborative working, unified communications, and file management. It is an excellent tool for businesses.

Office 365 has been a frequent target for internet scammers due to its popularity. The bad news is that Office 365 has certain known vulnerabilities when it is first installed. The good news is that it can be “hardened” to make it far more challenging for a con artist to exploit.

2. Avoid clicking links

Do not click on a link in an email from someone you did not expect. When you click on a link, all kinds of unwanted things might happen, such as viruses that can offer criminals backdoor access to your surroundings or ransomware, which encrypts all of your data.

Be cautious of emails with dramatic names like “Letter of Resignation” or “Notice of Redundancy,” as they are intended to make you act without thinking. Verify the links. The real address that a link will take you to will be displayed if you hover your mouse over it but do not click it. Try not to click if that does not match.

3. Do not divulge private information

Never, ever provide sensitive information when contacted via phone or email. A fraudster can easily discover who works for a firm thanks to Companies House, LinkedIn, Facebook, and a variety of other social media sites.

Using this knowledge to their advantage, they can then pose as an employee, director, or accountant to gather information. They are often highly persuasive.

4. Avoid using external devices

Never connect personal gadgets to your computers, such as USB flash drives, MP3 players, or smartphones, without first having it checked.

Particularly if you are connecting an external gadget from your personal computer that might not be as secure as your work computer, these devices can be infiltrated with malicious code ready to execute the moment you plug them into a computer.

Final words

We know that this might seem like an intimidating task but what we need to realize is that cyber security is a very significant and consequential matter and ignoring it can essentially result in major consequences for your business.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.