What You Need to Know About Creating a User Onboarding Checklist


User onboarding is a process of getting a new user to set up and start using an application. A number of considerations, like time scale, various features offered, and availability of information, are involved in this process. There are multiple tools available in the market that help developers to onboard users for their products effectively. Users should be able to enable basic functionality within minutes after installing or opening the application.
Here are some common reasons why a user onboarding checklist is essential;

Enhanced user experience

The most important aspect of onboarding is that it should be easy for the user. They should not have to spend hours on their first day of using your product. The onboarding checklist helps you get to know your new users quickly and makes them feel comfortable with the product. It also enables you to understand their pain points, which will help you improve your product in the future.

Decreased support requests

User onboarding is one of the most common reasons for support requests from clients or customers. The good news is that you can reduce these requests by creating a practical user onboarding checklist that outlines all the steps involved in new user onboarding. This will help your team quickly resolve any issues during the process and avoid delays in delivering value to customers.

Improved conversion rate

It’s essential that your users feel comfortable when they arrive at your website or app, as this will help them become more engaged with your product and eventually convert into paying customers or users. By creating a detailed user onboarding checklist, you can ensure that everything is set up correctly and ready for use by new customers when they make their first purchase or sign up for your service.

Valuable user insights

One of the most significant benefits of a user onboarding checklist is that it allows you to collect valuable user insights before you launch your new product or service. After all, if you need to know what your users want, how will you design a product that will meet their needs? You can guess some things they want by asking them directly, but many other things can only be discovered through research and testing.

Reduced learning curve

The more information you have at your fingertips, the better equipped you are to make informed decisions and solve problems as they arise. When it comes to user onboarding, having a checklist will help you ensure that every step is covered and that all steps are noticed.

You’ll know what information is needed for each user type e.g., first-time vs. returning users, how long each step should take, and where to find answers in case of questions or confusion. This allows you to take control of the onboarding process from start to finish so that everyone involved knows what needs to be done at each stage.


Considering how many people use the onboarding tool, you may wonder what makes it such a popular choice. One reason may be the comprehensiveness of this tool. If you want a practical onboarding experience for your customers, you need to put in the effort to make sure that your product is easy to use and self-explanatory. An onboarding checklist helps you do just that. The checklist will walk you through all the steps your customer needs to accomplish to become familiar with your product or service and enjoy it as soon as possible.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.