Assignment Writing Services vs. AI Writing Tools: Who Fares Better Statistically?


Is being a student easy? No. Aside from certain disciplines that you may struggle with, there are things like fitting in with your peers. And, hey, education is not cheap, so students have to balance their lives between studying and work. You need to make compromises here and there. The only way to excel in both studies and work while having more or less healthy sleep is to seek help with your writing assignments.

That’s why you’d check Essaypro Reviews to see if the assignment writing service corresponds to your needs. But academic helpers with human experts are no longer the sole solution for your study chores. Now, as some sources suggest, you can have your task crafted by an AI writing tool. Since the insane popularity of apps like ChatGPT, human services are bound to become a shiny artifact of the past.

But which option fares better? Yes, it may seem that AI-driven tools have not been around long enough to give a statistical comparison. But as more and more of them are popping up online, it’s better to ensure you can use them. To do that, let’s check out the advantages and disadvantages of both AI apps and services.

AI Writing Tools: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using an AI Writing Assistant

The world changed forever after the arrival of OpenAI ChatGPT. As the tool wasn’t exactly tailored for academic purposes, more apps were developed for students seeking help with writing assignments. Yet, can they craft texts for the users? To figure that out, let’s check out AI-driven tools’ strong and weak points.


  • Most AI assignment helpers are free, so you don’t have to spend extra cash on using them.
  • AI tools generally have user-friendly interfaces, so you can figure out what’s what intuitively.
  • The app needs up to one minute to produce the text based on your instructions.


  • Even the best AI writing tools cannot produce a compelling original text simply because they lack the creative approach of a human.
  • There are plenty of AI detectors that can easily determine that the submitted work was crafted by artificial intelligence.
  • The tools produce text fast, but the quality of the text can be low as the algorithm searches for source materials based on keywords in your instructions. Besides, not all source materials are worthy.
  • Unlike an assignment writing service, the tool doesn’t fact-check the text it produces, which means that you cannot submit the text as it is, as you need to fact-check it on your own.
  • AI-driven apps struggle to produce complex assignments that require a lot of research and analysis.
  • Just like any other technology, AI-driven tools are prone to errors and glitches. A glitch in the system can easily lead to the tool producing an underwhelming and obtuse text.

The Benefits and Downsides of Using Assignment Writing Services

As you can see, you can use an AI writing tool when you need small and simple texts. It is perfect as a supplementary aid when you’re working on a task on your own. But if you want someone to craft it for you, opting for an assignment writing service would be the best decision.

Aren’t there any drawbacks? Of course, there are. But before you decide on either of the options, let’s check out the benefits and downsides of online academic helpers with human experts.


  • You can get customized assignment writing help when working with people. Human experts can imitate your writing style and closely follow your instructions regarding tone of voice and formatting. Unlike AI, they can always ask for clarification.
  • Most services are extremely strict when it comes to plagiarism, and they even provide plagiarism reports to ensure users that the text is 100% unique.
  • Confidentiality is a crucial aspect of online academic helpers, so users don’t have to worry about the safety of their personal and financial data.
  • The services can handle tasks of various levels of complexity, from simple writing assignments to more complex works like theses and dissertations.
  • The services generally match your assignment with an expert who has a degree in the field corresponding to your subject.
  • By ordering from online academic helpers, you can deepen your knowledge of the subject, as human experts often provide their customers with useful insights regarding the subject in particular and writing in general.


  • Human experts need more time to accomplish the task; hence, your assignment is not going to be done within minutes. Most services offer minimum deadlines in the three to six hours range.
  • No matter how professional the service is, you still need to check the assignment to make sure that it was done correctly and according to your instructions.
  • The assignment services are not free, although they provide prices suitable for students who are often tight on budget.

Reputation of Services and AI-Driven Tools

The final aspect that you need to consider is the reputation of both options. Assignment help services have been around for decades. People used to order from them when the Internet was yet to become a thing. Later, academic helpers transitioned online.

Aren’t there any problematic or controversial cases? Well, sure, there are. From time to time, you can find negative reviews on particular services regarding experts being late with orders or misunderstanding the topic. But those are single cases, not a common practice.

Students trust services not simply because of their longevity on the market but because they don’t get expelled for using them. AI detectors work really well, and there were cases when students were expelled from universities for using OpenAI apps for their academic tasks. Also, human services don’t have character limits. ChatGPT can’t produce text longer than 4,000 characters, which is useless when it comes to undergraduate works.

Closing Remarks

We’re not trying to say that you shouldn’t use AI writing at all. You can use it if you want to speed up your writing process when working on your own. You can delegate certain parts of your assignment to the tool. But if you expect it to craft a compelling piece for you, chances are that it won’t work that way. The produced text may make you wonder why you haven’t written it on your own.

When you need to delegate your work completely, opt for an assignment writing service. You can always check essay pro to make sure that the service corresponds to your needs. Yet, you can rest assured that the service will pick an expert who will craft the text for you, while you only have to check and submit it.

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