Agile Testing Trends to Follow in 2023


Companies in the digital economy are constantly exploring new ways to improve their products and services. A majority of software companies today are increasingly embracing automation and AI systems to improve their efficiency and costs while speeding up the overall introduction of new products and services to consumers. One of the most important ways to ensure software quality is through automation testing, which analyses programmatic behavior without requiring human testers.

Businesses can now automate testing procedures that were previously time-consuming or impossible, thanks to the emergence of AI and chatbots. Added to it, Agile testing methodologies are the first preference for most companies for it helps in quick spot-and-fix of bugs and irregularities within the development phase.

Markets for software development are constantly pushing for more rapid, expansive, and precise software. In most fields, this is a zero-sum game, however, new developments in software allow for general enhancements ranging from rapid testing, to ease of monitoring of bugs, and more.

In the software development process, software tests are essential. In light of this, Agile testing methods and technologies need to develop in parallel with the changing nature of the sector. There is no denying the enormous effects that developments in cloud computing, AI, ML, RPA, and NLP will have on the testing industry in the future.

What is Agile Testing?

Agile testing is a testing technique that adheres to the ideas and practices of Agile software development. In contrast to the traditional Waterfall process, Agile testing may begin at the beginning of your project with continuous integration between development and testing. As a result, we can state that it complements development work and gives continuous input into the development process.

Agile testing is a continuous, rather than a sequential, procedure. Agile testers are no longer a distinct organizational unit. They are a member of the Agile development team. In some organizations, Agile teams do not have specialized testers or a Quality Assurance department. Instead, testing is the responsibility of the entire team.

For continued success, the Agile methodology is making a full transition to cloud-based infrastructure. Companies that embrace cloud-based Agile solutions will profit in the future from the usual Agile practice of rewarding creative, adaptive thinking. Added to it, let us take a close look at some of the Agile testing trends to follow in 2023.

1. AI and ML

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will soon dominate the software testing industry. A growing number of software testing companies are already adopting AI and ML technologies, as these are being widely used to help software engineers and testers write better codes and detect errors quickly. AI is already making a difference in the lives of modern developers and testers, from clever code completion to flexible object identification — and these technologies are expanding in reach and strength.

AI also helps eliminate flaws and ensures that the program runs as intended. It helps spot bugs in a program’s features and functions. Similarly, ML is also used to develop automated tests to ensure an application’s function based on the tester’s checklists. This may involve reviewing results from similar or identical testing on other systems.

AI systems can optimize the test cases based on the data they collect from previous runs, thanks to sophisticated machine learning methodologies. Additionally, test management technologies powered by AI and ML can assist in organizing and prioritizing your test cases. Managing tests for software gets harder as the number of projects rises. However, test reporting, test scheduling, and test case prioritization may all be automated with AI-driven test management solutions.

2. Codeless testing

Codeless testing is yet another aspect of Agile Testing. The QA engineers generally spend time scripting or writing several test cases. Codeless testing refers to the process of putting the software through its paces without first having to create specific code or scripts for each scenario being tested. A tester’s interaction with the user interface (UI) can be recorded and used to automate the testing process.

Automated codeless testing frees up QAs’ time. It speeds up the whole testing procedure, which is crucial for delivering applications to consumers promptly and keeping up with the fierce competition.

3. Software-Based Chatbots

E-commerce platforms commonly use chatbots, and you might have come across them. However, combining such tools with test management applications can be difficult. New Natural Language Processing (NLP) developments have made it possible to incorporate a chatbot into your existing test management platform. Using a chatbot for test management, you can streamline everything from creating test cases to running them and reporting the results.

In addition to being useful for technical users, the test management chatbot can also be utilized by non-technical users for managing software testing tasks. A test agent is an add-on to the test management software that may be communicated via the chatbot. The service testing industry makes heavy use of chatbots for test management, by creating new test cases, adding test steps, assigning cases to testers, reporting test results, and more with the help of a chatbot designed for test management.

4. Blockchain

The widespread adoption of blockchain technology is drastically altering our testing scenarios. It comes with a broad application that assists in enabling smart records and ensures fraud security. With Blockchain, data is safely stored with its validity verified, and it can be accessed at any moment. It also has applications in supply chain management and other automated business procedures. Blockchain technology’s potential to automate processes currently performed manually is a primary reason it is gaining traction across a wide range of industries.

Blockchain technology’s intelligent contracts are being implemented across a wide range of testing services. There are several Blockchain testing scenarios used by developers and testers, these include:

Functional testing: It is the fundamental testing of systems, components, and their functioning, such as the addition of a block to the blockchain, the size of a block or a chain, etc. Following the authentication of the transaction’s legitimacy, each new block is added to the existing one.

Integration testing: It is testing the integration or interfaces between components and other system components. In order to ensure that all the components of the blockchain application are correctly connected, integration tests should be performed effectively and regularly.

Security Testing: Given that blockchain is utilized in extremely secure regulatory, governmental, and financial contexts, security testing is crucial for debugging blockchain applications.

Performance testing: Speed is one of the most crucial requirements for blockchain apps, according to performance testing. Transactions are tested in this kind of testing, and performance is determined by the network’s size.

Node testing: The strength of a blockchain is upheld by consensus across all nodes on the sequence in which transactions are added to the network. To make sure that transactions are saved in the right order, this consensus mechanism has to be put to the test.

Testing of smart contracts: On the blockchain, smart contracts are software components that carry out transactions automatically. SC testing entails checking to see if the participants taking part in transactions are following the rules.

API testing: Depending on the application, a blockchain may cause events or outside programs to run. API is important in this context, and testing of APIs must take into account how apps interact with the blockchain system.

5. User-Centered Design

The goal of user-centered design (UCD) is to enhance the user’s experience with your product in every way possible. It’s possible, for instance, that users might face challenges with your product because they are having trouble figuring out how to use your mobile app or website. If you want customers to enjoy using your product without experiencing any frustration, you must guarantee that every feature is fully functional. UCD broadly is a group of practices that emphasizes placing customers at the center of product development. Developers create their digital products while taking into consideration the needs, goals, and feedback of the end users.

6. DevOps

The term “DevOps” refers to the practice of combining software development with operations. Although DevOps has been around for some time, it has only recently gained traction due to its positive effects on both development and operations teams. It facilitates communication between the development and operations teams, boosting developer efficiency. Still, the 2022–2023 season will see this strategy remain significant as more teams implement it.

There will be significant time savings throughout the software development process if DevOps adopts serverless computing. They had less work to do overall, so they could devote more time to improving the system rather than keeping it running. The microservices design promotes distributed innovation by giving each team responsibility for its work; this ought to speed up deployments and make better use of available resources.

7. Integration of tools for testing

Testing tools that can’t be merged with others will inevitably be left in the dust. With the proliferation of technology across industries, developers now have more options than ever for bringing their applications to fruition, across all phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). In the same way, various testing instruments can be utilized at each stage of development for design testing, running test cases, and preparing test scenarios. Therefore, there will be a high demand for tools that can easily integrate with others throughout the development process.

8. Left Shifting

In order to ship a high-quality product using an agile methodology, bugs should be found and eliminated as soon as possible. It will help reduce the effective cost by reducing the number of problems found during production deployment.

The shift-left testing process starts with requirements and lasts all the way through to the product’s release. Business analysts (BAs) and programmers collaborate on projects using the shift-left methodology. Better test coverage is achieved with input from QA engineers at each phase and automated test cases. The main goal of left-shift testing is to ship a top-notch final product.

9. Validation of Safety Procedures

When an application is made available to users, precautions should be taken to protect the app, the customer, and the company from any potential vulnerabilities or threats. If there is a security flaw in the app, bad actors can use it to get access to users’ accounts and perhaps steal their personal information or cause financial harm to the business.

Pen tests and other forms of security analysis could be used to locate potential entry points for hackers. Considerations for security testing include keeping an eye on permissions, performing static code analysis, using robust passwords, guarding against brute-force attacks, and tinkering with URLs.

10. Exploratory testing

Test automation is something we’re aiming towards as technology progresses. However, the requirement for efficient manual testing will never go away. The following advantages result from effectively integrating exploratory testing into teams, which has the potential to transform testing in the future:

Combining test approaches enables project owners to acquire insights that are not attainable with other testing kinds.

  • It enables testing teams to complete more work under pressure and identify UI flaws more quickly.
  • It offers a quick bug-detection technique at any point in the software development life cycle and needs less time to prepare.
  • It enables testers to find edge situations and apply them to further testing.
  • To test your software product, you shouldn’t just rely on exploratory testing, though. You can only get the most out of your testing efforts and enhance outcomes if you use exploratory testing in conjunction with other testing techniques.

11. Cloud-Based Testing

Quality assurance engineers have access to a variety of devices that simulate real-world traffic and surroundings when they choose cloud-based infrastructure for testing. They are able to put code through many automated tests in this way and get rid of server configuration, deployment problems, etc. Additionally, they may configure them in accordance with the needs of the product by combining DevOps procedures with cloud testing tools like LambdaTest.

LambdaTest is a continuous quality cloud platform for testing web applications and mobile apps across 3000+ real browsers, devices, and OS combinations. You can take your testing automation needs to completion with LambdaTest – a reliable automation testing platform that assists in quicker release cycles and gaining faster developer feedback. LambdaTest is a SOC2 Type2 certified and GDPR-compliant testing platform and has implemented enterprise-ready security measures to ensure that all testing procedures remain as secure as possible.

In a cloud-based setting, developers and testers may communicate in real time, streamline their processes, and provide feedback more quickly. Teams working on software development and testing may get their products to market faster and with fewer errors when they use a cloud-based testing service. Thanks to the scalability of the cloud, development teams may easily add or remove computing resources in response to fluctuating workloads. It provides a cost-effective and efficient paradigm in which businesses only spend for the services they really utilize. It has a high return on investment thanks to its adaptability, scalability, and configurable options.


Automation is no longer a “good to have” skill to provide high-quality goods quickly; it is instead a “must have” competency due to rapid change, and digital transformation. Companies must choose test automation in order to keep on top of important advancements in software testing.

Testing automation, however, is not necessarily limited to the use of cutting-edge technology, it also involves agile teams, cooperation, and communication, a well-defined testing strategy, an efficient test management system, a seamless CI/CD workflow, and a DevOps pipeline. Highly inventive businesses, regardless of size, should take this into consideration to promote innovation in automated testing. Your chances of offering the superior software items your consumers need will significantly rise as a result.

I started my journey as a Photoshop & HTML designer, my hunger takes me to the next step for PHP, Java, angular, CMS, Python, etc. Till now, I have worked on many software, mobile, web development & design projects. I want to inspire others, that's the only reason I am here to share my experience & knowledge. Let's connect on LinkedIn.