Field Service Operations: 4 Ways to Maximize Operational Efficiency


For every employer, employee capacity-building is one priority, as it helps in maximizing the capacities of the workforce. The same holds true for the waste management business. Capacity-building helps employees groom their skills; in a way, it prepares them for better job roles, which is like paving an in-house career growth path for them. Reports say that lack of growth opportunities is one of the prime reasons why people switch jobs. So, through capacity-building, employers can control the attrition rate.

Capacity building definitely includes training programs, and grooming of personal and IT skills of employees, but for a capacity-building endeavor to be successful in the true sense, it is also important to maximize the operational efficiency of business processes, which requires providing your workforce with the right kind of tools and technology.

Without maximizing the operational efficiency of your business processes, it is futile to expect that your employees’ work efficiency and productivity will be maximized. For example, imagine that you have skilled one of your field teams to troubleshoot a certain kind of technical issue in waste management plants and equipment, but if you don’t have the proper provisions for skill-based job scheduling, then how can you ensure that the right technicians will get scheduled for that particular job.

Likewise, there can be numerous field operational challenges that sooner or later hamper the productivity of the field workforce. Waste management software, a field service management software, customized as per the requirements of the waste management business, is a tech-enablement that can help you overcome the field operational challenges.

So, this blog describes how waste management software can facilitate four ways to maximize the operational efficiency of the field processes in a waste management business/firm, and how it helps in actually maximizing the work efficiency and productivity of the field workforce:

Matching Tasks to Skills:

In field services, your employees work on the client’s site, so they are under direct surveillance of the clients. This gives them much less scope to go wrong in their job roles. The client sets high expectations for them like a quick turnaround, high first visit effectiveness, and domain know-how. To achieve all these, it is extremely important to match the tasks to the skills of the employees before you schedule jobs among them. Not just that, in-field services, before job scheduling, you also need to consider some more metrics such as the availability of the worker for a particular job. It is important to ensure that there are no scheduling conflicts, like duplicate schedules or overlapped schedules. After all, you can’t expect your workers to efficiently handle two different jobs if they are scheduled for the same time slot.

So, precision in job scheduling plays an important role in defining the productivity of a worker. But manually considering so many aspects while job-scheduling that for a large team of workers is not an error-free process, but waste management software can make it an automatic and quick process. It can browse the enterprise database for information like skill sets, past experiences, schedules-calendars, and live locations of the workers, and in no time it can identify, who is the most skilled, nearest available worker or technician for a job.

Cut Out the Excess:

Your team of waste management workers or technicians is trained and responsible for the more specialized jobs such as removal of contaminated and/or hazardous waste disposal, developing storage protocols for hazardous material, recycling activities, Management of waste facilities, etc. These are their primary roles, and they must not get diverted by unnecessary excess work that is mundane and repetitive. Engagement with such tasks is one of the major productivity leaks. The ideal way to tackle this issue is to provide the field workforce with an online waste management platform that can automate all the daily repetitive tasks, giving them the luxury of time to involve themselves in jobs that are important and require their specialized skills.

Enable Mobility:

A field workforce is always on the move, and this often creates too many challenges and often compromises the efficiency and productivity of the mobile workers. Some of the mobility challenges are poor access to the right kind of information at the time of need, communication gaps, poor provision for on-the-move data collaboration, etc. Mobile waste management software provides workers on-the-move access to the enterprise data right from their personal devices. be it about checking the troubleshooting tutorials, or accessing clients’ information or inventory records, everything is accessible in real-time. Also, the software automates standardized communication like sending job-schedule notifications and reminders to ensure there is no communication gap.

Incentivize employees:

Incentives have always been one of the key factors that motivate employees to strive for performance excellence. But to build a system for fair and transparent distribution of incentives, you need to have accuracy in tracking the performance of your employees. But when it comes to the field workforce, performance tracking gets a bit tricky because of low visibility into field activities. Waste management software has automated features like location-tracking, time-stamping, real-time reporting and communication, automatic field data recording, etc. All these improve the manager’s or supervisors’ visibility of on-field activities, so with complete accuracy and transparency, they can measure the performance of each individual field worker, and develop a fair incentive system that ensures everyone gets what they genuinely deserve.


Waste management software has been designed as a one-stop solution to handle those field operations that are repetitive and can be better handled by automation technology than human handling. The use of such software not only maximizes operational efficiency, but also helps the field workforce to become productive, control overhead costs, speed up the process, and facilitate faster delivery of services

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.