How to Create Your Website with The User in Mind


In this article, You will see some of the ways you can create a website with users in mind. The key here is to make sure you test everything. How many times have you landed on a website and struggled to get around? This happens all the time. The problem with this is that most website owners don’t think about the people who will be using their site and instead build it to look the way they think is best. What you need to understand is that the more usable a website is, the longer people will stay on it and the more they will come back.

Creating a website with the user in mind will take some time and effort but it is not impossible to do. It will require you to spend some time on other sites to see what your competition is doing and why they might be getting more traffic and return visitors than you are currently getting.

How to Make a User-Friendly Website?

Below, you will see some of the ways you can create a website with users in mind. The key here is to make sure you test everything you do and go from there.

Use Soft Colors –

One thing that you should always do is use soft colors in your website design. The problem with very dark or vibrant web design is that it could be tiring to the eye and not attract the user to browse more. Instead, use white and lighter colors along with black lettering. Although this will look a little dated, it will be better than having a page that is difficult to read.

Limit Links –

Links make a website usable and easy to access, however, too many links make the website look like a sales page. The best thing to do is look at the page and ask yourself if you would be too distracted by the links or do they somewhat blend into the page. If you can’t look at the page without being distracted by the links, then there are too many on that individual page.

Keep A Sidebar Active –

I know that a sidebar doesn’t work on all websites but in most cases, you can get it to look right. All you need to do is have the sidebar active so that you can give the reader a place to go once they are done viewing that page. One piece of advice that I have for you is to make sure you don’t try to do too much with the sidebar as it can ruin the look and feel of your website.

Avoid Too Many Photos –

How many times have you gone to a website and only seen photos? This happens all the time because many people think that people want to see photos and nothing else. That is not the case, you need to have a nice mixture of photos and words on each page or you might see your bounce rate increase drastically.

Utilize White Space Effectively –

This is one tip that most people don’t bother with, but it does work. If you want to create a user-friendly website you need to utilize the white space in it effectively. The benefit of having more white space than normal is that people will feel that you are actually there providing them with the information they need as opposed to trying to sell them something or get them to click an advertisement. What you don’t want to do though, is use too much white space and not have enough on your website because too much white will make your website look plain and boring. Just know that there is a fine line between what works and what doesn’t and you will need to determine that on your own.

Keep the Ads to A Minimum –

Ads are a very effective way to make money, but not if you have too many of them. One thing that you should do is make your screen resolution as big as it can get and then start putting ads on your site. By doing this you will be able to space out the ads in a better way and make sure that people with a smaller screen resolution won’t be bothered with an ad every few inches. My advice is to not use more than 3 different ads on each page or at least keep them spread out so that you don’t see more than one on your screen at any given time. You can also check Google AdSense guide.

As you can see, there is not a lot to keeping a website user-friendly but you do have to know what you are doing. Every website is different but one thing is for sure – nobody likes a page that they have difficulty reading. It is because of this that you should follow the advice above and make sure your website isn’t doing too much or too little to capture your readers’ attention and keep them coming back.

Let us know if you have tried to Create Your Website with The User in Mind

Emin is a Marketing Consultant at Amberd Web Design Studio, in his free time he enjoys blogging, drawing, and traveling around the world.